Afghanistan Disinterest in Unity

Afghanistan Country Studies index

Afghanistan - Disinterest in Unity

Very little changed otherwise. The parties maintained separate networks of commanders, staffs, publications, foreign political contacts, and affiliations with the refugees in the camps. Distinctions and rivalries became so ingrained that jurisdictional issues on the ground in Afghanistan seriously impeded cooperation. Road tolls, seizures of supplies and frequent combat between mujahidin units were partially the result of the failure to coalesce from above.

Disinterest in unity

These parties and their leaders persevered throughout the Soviet and civil wars into the post-Marxist period as political rivals. In 1985 after abortive attempts to form a coalition, the parties finally agreed upon a format for formal sharing of leadership with the creation of the Islamic Union of Afghan Mujahidin (Ittehad-i-Islami-Mujahidin-i-Afghanistan). This agreement set up a rotational position which allowed each party leader to act officially as spokesman for the others on a six-month basis.

Party switches happened with some frequency among commanders, often to get better access to weapons, to gain advantage in political rivalries between groups, and also because of breakdowns in organization. Such shifts especially hurt Muhammad Nabi's weakly organized Harakat.

You can read more regarding this subject on the following websites:

Afghanistan Disinterest in Unity - Flags, Maps, Economy
Afghanistan - Unity 3d - YouTube
Afghanistan: The Future of the National Unity Government
Cabinet of Afghanistan - Wikipedia
Islam, Afghanistan, & Unity campaign Part I - YouTube

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