Ghana The Growth of Nationalism and the End of Colonial Rule

Ghana Country Studies index

Ghana - The Growth of Nationalism and the End of Colonial Rule

The growth of nationalism and the end of colonial rule

As the country developed economically, the focus of government power gradually shifted from the hands of the governor and his officials into those of Ghanaians. The changes resulted from the gradual development of a strong spirit of nationalism and were to result eventually in independence. The development of national consciousness accelerated quickly after World War II, when, in addition to ex-servicemen, a substantial group of urban African workers and traders emerged to lend mass support to the aspirations of a small educated minority. Once the movement had begun, events moved rapidly--not always fast enough to satisfy the nationalist leaders, but still at a pace that surprised not only the colonial government but many of the more conservative African elements as well.

You can read more regarding this subject on the following websites:

The growth of nationalism and the end of colonial rule
Colonial Rule in Ghana |
Nationalism in Colonial Africa -
Ghana Independence.
History of Ghana - Wikipedia

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