Honduras Spanish Conquest and Settlement

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Honduras - Spanish Conquest and Settlement

Spanish conquest and settlement

European contacts with the indigenous population of Honduras began with the final voyage of Christopher Columbus. In 1502 Columbus sailed past the Islas de la Bah�a (Bay Islands) and shortly thereafter reached the mainland of Central America. While at one of the islands, Columbus discovered and seized a large canoe loaded with a wide variety of trade goods. Evidence seems to indicate that the canoe's occupants were Mayan traders and that their encounter with Columbus marked his first direct contact with the civilizations of Mexican and northern Central America. Despite the fact that the canoe had been observed coming from the west, Columbus turned east and then south, sailing away from the civilizations and doing little exploring on the Honduran coast. His only direct legacy was the assigning of a few place names on the Caribbean coast, notably Guanaja for one of the Islas de la Bah�a, Cabo Gracias a Dios for the eastern extremity of Honduras, and Honduras (depths in Spanish) for the overall region. The latter name suggests the deep waters off the northern coast.

Little exploration took place for the next two decades. Spanish navigators Juan D�az de Sol�s and Vicente Y��ez Pinz�n probably touched on part of the Honduran coast in 1508 but devoted most of their efforts to exploring farther north. Some expeditions from the islands of Cuba and Hispaniola may have reached the mainland and certainly began to decimate the population of the Islas de la Bah�a in the second decade of the century, but otherwise the Honduran Caribbean coast was a neglected area.

Interest in the mainland was dramatically revived as a result of the expedition of Hern�n Cort�s to Mexico. While Cort�s was completing his conquest of the Aztec, expeditions from Mexico, Panama, and the Caribbean began to move into Central America. In 1523 part of an expedition headed by Gil Gonz�lez D�vila discovered the Golfo de Fonseca on the Pacific coast, naming it in honor of Bishop Rodr�guez de Fonseca. The following year, four separate Spanish land expeditions began the conquest of Honduras.

You can read more regarding this subject on the following websites:

AllRefer.com - Honduras - Spanish Conquest And Settlement
History of Honduras (to 1838) - Wikipedia
Spanish Conquest Settlement Honduras - roatan.ws
Spanish conquest of Honduras - Wikipedia
Spanish conquest of Honduras | Military Wiki | FANDOM

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