Moldova Labor Force

Moldova Country Studies index

Moldova - Labor Force

Labor force

Moldova's labor force still reflects the structure of the economy under communism. In 1991, 78 percent of the population employed outside the home worked in the state sector, 19 percent worked on collective farms, and 3 percent worked in the private sector. The private sector employed 9 percent of the workforce in 1995. In early 1995, the official unemployment rate was 1 percent, but experts put the real rate at between 10 and 15 percent.

More about the Economy of Moldova.

You can read more regarding this subject on the following websites:

Moldova Labor Force - Moody's Analytics
Moldova: LFS - Labour Force Survey 2018 |
Moldova Labor Force Participation Rate | 2000-2018 | Data
Moldova - Labor Force Participation Rate - Actual Data
factfish Labor force for Moldova

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